The team at M.Large set out for Stradbally, Laois for the Irish Forestry Woodland & Bio Energy show 2013.
Arriving a day before the show, the boys were directed to our designated show space in the Woodland area.
On first look, it took a little imagination to visualise the setting but a days hard grafting with our own team and the helpful Clarke Cunningham lads, made our rough n ready corner site into something of a Disneyland for forestry fans.
The show was a big deal for us and a lot of preparation went into making a good show for our visitors.
So for those who didn’t get to the event, here’s what we were showing.
- Hakki Pilke 38 & 42 Firewood Processors and HakkiFeed feeding table rig
- Hakki Pilke 42 12 way knife accessory
- Hakki Pilke OH27 TCT Circular Saw processor
- Hakki Pilke Expert 37 processor
- Hakki Pilke Eagle TCT Circular Saw Entry level PTO processor
- Bilke S3 PTO guillotine processor
- Fuelwood Kindling machines (Splitta & Kindlet models)
- Thor logsplitters
- Atika 4 & 5 ton logsplitters
- LMS Logbaggers
Static Displays
- LMS Design Scorpion Tree Shears (Scorpion 220 & 440 models)
- Palms 680 crane on Palms 101 trailer
- Palms 470 crane mounted on converted dumper (courtesy of Sean Hoskin’s forestry)
- Atmos DC32 Log Gasification boiler
- Akvaterm Accumulator Heat Store
- Palms, Intermercato & Baltrotor Grapples and rotators
- LMS Design Grapple Adapters – Pallet Tine timber grapple adapter
- Farmi Winches (JL61)
- Greenmech 150 Arborist woodchipper
All in all we were very pleased with the footfall, the atmosphere and the interest shown in our site and our machines and we were even more pleased to get word from the Show Director that we had been awarded “Best Commercial Stand” at the end of the event.
We put a selection of photos up of the stand and how everything looked up on the blog.
Click on the image below to see more show photos.