Intermercato offer professional hardened grapples and grabs for a wide range of heavy duty forestry, logging and other intensive applications. Intermercato Tigergrip grapples in stock at mlarge.com.

Intermercato Tigergrip TG19 Grapple (50mm shaft flange)

Intermercato Tigergrip TG25 Grapple (flat top)

Intermercato Tigergrip TG25S Grapple (flat top)

Intermercato Tigergrip TG22 Pro SR4 Brash Grapple (flat top)

Intermercato Tigergrip TG25 Pro SR4 Brash Grapple (flat top)

Intermercato Tigergrip TG28S Grapple (Flat Top)

Intermercato Tigergrip TG35S grapple (flat top)